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KRIS Web Background Pages: Sediment
The California Geologic Survey has reservations regarding the content of KRIS Gualala (see comment note), particularly sediment source investigations under the TMDL, and CSG endorsement of the contents of this page is not implied.
Sediment data is included in KRIS Gualala because sediment is recognized as a limiting factor for aquatic resources in the Gualala basin, particularly cold water fish species such as steelhead and coho salmon (CRWQCB, 2001). Sediment data include median particle size distribution (D50), McNeil samples and V-Star, which measures sediment in pools. The source of the D50 and McNeil data is Gualala Redwoods Inc. Knopp (1993) studied the relationship of watershed disturbance and sediment in streams and his work includes two stations in the Gualala River watershed, Fuller Creek and Grasshopper Creek. Henry Alden of Gualala Redwoods, Inc. has suggested that median particle sizes in GRI streams are not significantly different from those in less disturbed watersheds (see note), although two watersheds offered as controls have nearly 40% timber harvest. The NCWAP Gualala team had reservations about the use of D50 due to stream gradient (see NCWAP note). That position is hypothetical and KRIS has stayed with Knopp (1993) interpretations until further field work in the Gualala is conducted.
The North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) staff have been engaged in a sediment source analysis of the Gualala River watershed pursuant to the Clean Water Act TMDL process (CRWQCB, 2001). The data from their technical support document (TSD) is used in KRIS Gualala as the best available estimate for understanding current sediment sources (see quote). The California Geologic Survey (CGS) mapped landslides as part of the Gualala Watershed Synthesis Report, but didn't identify sediment sources (CA RA, In Review). Their reservations regarding the TSD are related to large landslide contributions and their importance as well as other concerns (Sterling, 2002).
Thresholds are used on charts to show relative health of streams and suitability for salmonids. They are similar to those advanced for the Garcia River (US EPA, 1998), Ten Mile River (US EPA, 2000) and Big River (in press) TMDL studies. These targets are all explained and defended within the TMDL and can be viewed as a table below. The V* target is pools less than 21% filled with sediment, median particle size (D50) is to be greater than 37 mm in third order streams and McNeil samples less than 0.85 mm are to be less than 14%. These values appear reasonable given existing information both locally and regionally (see note on regional sediment standards for McNeil samples). The D50 target of 37mm is conservative in that this size clast is highly mobile and bedload movement can be extremely destructive to salmonid spawning success (Nawa and Frissell, 1990). Dietrich et al. (1989) showed that a decrease in median particle size distribution was indicative of recent contributions of sediment.
See Hypothesis #2 and #3 for more information on sediment as a limiting factor for salmonids in the Gualala River.
Habitat typing data can also be used to analyze sediment impacts on habitat. For example, high sediment yield reduces pool frequency and depth and increases embeddedness. See Fish Habitat Information in KRIS Gualala page for further discussions.
Barnard, 1992. Physical and Chemical Conditions in Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Spawning Habitat in Freshwater Creek, Northern California. Masters Thesis. Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA. 81 p. plus appendices.
California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB). 2001. Technical Support Document for the Gualala River Watershed Water Quality Attainment Action Plan for Sediment. CRWQCB, Region 1. Santa Rosa, CA. 147 pp.
California Resources Agency. In Review. Gualala River Watershed Synthesis. CA Dept. of Fish and Game, State Water Res. Control Bd., CA Dept. of Water Resources, CA Div. on Mines and Geology and CA Dept. of Forestry. Sacramento, CA. Draft released January 16, 2001.
Cedarholm, C.J. 1983. Clearwater River wild steelhead spawning timing. Proceedings of Olympic Wild Fish Conference. Peninsula College, Port Angeles, Washington.
Dietrich,W. E., J.W. Kirchner, H. Ikeda, and F.Iseya. 1989. Sediment supply and the development of the coarse surface layer in gravel-bedded rivers. Nature. Vol. 340: 215-217.
Hilton, S. and T.E Lisle. 1993. Measuring the Fraction of Pool Volume Filled with Fine Sediment. Res. Note PSW-RN-414. US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. Albany, CA . 11 pp.
Knopp, C. 1993. Testing Indices of Cold Water Fish Habitat. North Coast Regional water Quality Control Board, Santa Rosa, CA. Cooperatively sponsored by the USDA Forest Service.
McBain and Trush. 2000. Spawning gravel composition and permeability within the Garcia River watershed, CA. Final Report. Prepared for Mendocino County Resource Conservation District. 32 pp. without appendices.
McHenry, M.L., D.C. Morrill, and E. Currence. 1994 . Spawning Gravel Quality, Watershed Characteristics and Early Life History Survival of Coho Salmon and Steelhead in Five North Olympic Peninsula Watersheds. Port Angeles, WA. 59 pp. without appendices.
National Marine Fisheries Service. 1996. (Table 1 from...) Coastal Salmon Conservation: Working Guidance for Comprehensive Salmon Restoration Initiatives on the Pacific Coast. US Dept. Commer, NOAA. 4 pp.
Parrish, Janet. Personal communication. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, San Francisco, CA.
Sigler, J.W., T.C. Bjornn, and F.H. Everest. 1984. Effects of Chronic Turbidity on Density and Growth of Steelheads and Coho Salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 113:142-150.
US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1998. (Final) Garcia River Sediment Total Maximum Daily Load. Dated 16 March 1998. USEPA, Region IX. San Francisco, CA. 51 pp.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. Ten Mile River, Total Maximum Daily Load for Sediment. Region IX. San Francisco, CA. 89 pp.
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